Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hanoi-street scenes

Just want to say that I'm humbled by my readership-please offer any comments/questions and I'll happily answer. And thank you president O'Bama for your comments (Ha, Ha). Today's post is somewhat tempered by the fact that I'm writing about Hanoi in Hue and there is some difference between the two cities but I'll try not to be influenced.
So we arrived back from Halong bay on saturday ~3.30pm. Michele and I decided to explore the city on foot before dinner. Little did we realize that we were getting ourselves involved in the local Hanoi sport of dodge the motorcycle.

Okay did I make my point-They have taken over the streets and the sidewalks there's no room for pedestrians ! Anyway enough of that rant-we did do some walking and were able to get a few shots of life in (what we thought was) the "old city" Actually the "old city" was a little further from where we were- no matter it looks similar to these scenes,  but supposedly has streets named for the trade that is provided-candy, meats ,shoes, clothing etc.

Sorry about the quality of the photos I was often dodging motorscooters. Threw in a few city scenes as well.

We had dinner at Wild Lotus unfortunately couldn't wait to take pictures- was an incredible array of food check out the menu its not choices everything was included.

Will show some scenes from Hanoi sunday AM next blog and how we avoided an international incident-your faithful narrator

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