Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Leaving the Metropole hotel in Hanoi- our "home"

Sorry for my absence no internet service for 24 hours-was wierd had it the day before at the same hotel kept waiting for it to return. Not trying to complain to you New Yorkers who are getting creamed by the winter but we still haven't seen the sun here-it's not always raining but so far different shades of gray (check out the photos). Sorry to you Jet fans but almost. So we left Hanoi Sunday morning for airport to Hue -We've had a guide nearly every day and we had one for the ride to the airport-good thing they really smooth the way in a place where your english goes only so far. Even getting in the proper line can be a task. There were no lines for Hue so we would have had to struggle a bit but fortunately our guide whisked us through.
Shots from our van on the way to airport -typical mix of architecture in Hanoi

So the flight from Hanoi was no big deal but left a little late and got into Hue ~330pm leaving us just enough time to see the market in town and then head to the hotel. The weather was a little warmer maybe ~ 10 degrees fahrenheit ( now ~ 60) but it was raining and continued raining throughout our stay here. Not a heavy rain but everything is muddy. The photos look similar to those in the "old town" in Hanoi.

Plastic bowls for any use


Dragon fruit-white on the inside with caraway like seeds



Ginger and Tumeric

Pig intestines-yum


Fake money for New Year's- you burn it as offering to dead ancestors 

It's dinner time have to catch a shuttle bus will resume when we return-your faithful narrator

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